Why We Need Snow Storms

Living on the East Coast means at some point, there will be snow. It’s inevitable, every winter this white stuff falls from the sky and blankets cars, homes and people. We all get giddy and the grocery stores get rich! Milk, bread, eggs and toilet paper are no where to be found, so don’t be the last one to the store otherwise you’re stuck.

It’s at this point that my social media feed begins to blow up with kids hoping for school closings, pending naps and movie picks for Netflix. Pictures of cozy families with kids in PJ’s begin to flood my timeline along with amateur bakers showing off their homemade treats and of course lots of snowmen and sledding. I love it all! Makes me feel warm and fuzzy. This in fact, is why we love snow storms because it gives us a chance to be kids and spend time with people we love. It means hot chocolate with marshmallows and s’mores with Hershey’s chocolate and grits with gravy and homemade biscuits. Yumm! That’s the sweet taste of living, something we’ve forgotten how to do because we’re growing companies and climbing up the corporate ladder. So if you’re snowed in today like I am, enjoy it by taking some time to unplug and experience life. Happy snow day! 

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